Why Flipped Learning Can’t Replace Good Teaching

Flipped learning is a well-established approach to education that has been trending upward for more than a decade. In a flipped learning classroom, students learn basic content at home through videos of lectures and/or reading assignments. This then allows the teacher to have a more flexible classroom time dedicated to in-depth exploration of subject matter through discussions, experimentation and/ or hands-on learning.
Flipped learning was first introduced in 2011; according to FlippedLearning.org, “the number of teachers who indicated they had flipped a lesson during the school year went up from 48% in 2012 to 78% in 2014.” This trend has continued over time, with more teachers at all levels recognizing the value of flipped learning.
The increase in flipped learning makes good sense based on the research, which suggests that learning outcomes improve in every subject and at every grade in flipped classrooms. Notably, nearly 60% of students enjoy learning at their own pace outside of school as opposed to listening to lectures. What’s more, research shows that “active learning” (classroom learning that involves doing rather than passive listening) results in better test scores and other measures of achievement.
Does that mean flipped learning is better learning? Or are traditional teaching methods still relevant?
Well, the answer depends on the situation. Flipped learning has become very popular, in part because it has the potential to make it much easier to engage students and personalize learning in the classroom. But a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work with flipped learning; it’s up to the teacher to select the right model and implement it effectively. In some cases, traditional teaching methods are effectively paired with flipped learning to create a blended pedagogical approach. In others, a “pure” flipped learning might be most effective.
In my view, here is how flipped learning can be adapted to suit various learning styles:
The full blog can be read at — https://www.magicedtech.com/blog/flipped-learning-cant-replace-good-teaching/